Well not only is it the middle of the Olympics but its the middle of my Month too. I has someone ask me what I did at the weekend earlier in the month, to which I replied some what guiltily that I just hung out at home and quickly added I did hit a gig at The Commons on Friday night.
This did prompt the thought of what actually have I been doing with my time and what about the rest of the month. To this end, I hit my schedule view of my calendar and manually made a weekly visualisation that tickled my fancy at the time. A more object oriented version I guess.

Once I did this to not only alleviate my guilt factor of having a weekend off, I soon realised I don’t have very much free time. In fact, barely enough to take advantage of my co-working space.
I applied colours by week obviously. Rectangle to keep track of when I planned to attend my co-working space and rounded rectangles when out and about elsewhere. Thicker boarders for when I am in Sydney.
Initially, I limited the visualisation to the working week and the calendar month but then soon extended to five full 7 day weeks. (well it will when I finish organising Sept).
What I like about this over a conventional calendar monthly view is the structure and additional information I am drawing upon through colour and shape. The big take how is how much of my time I am spending on networking, the return on that investment and balance of productive work I should be pursing.
In addition to this, I did get a post from my Jawbone Move that I am still amazingly getting enough if somewhat irregular sleep.